Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Feng Shui Tips for Fertility

Here is a few Feng Shui tips for Fertility luck. Some of you may have been married for quite a while with no luck at children yet and some of you might have just recently tied the knot and setting up your own household with a baby in mind. You might also still be single but would like to be in the know. No matter - the Feng Shui tips below on fertility Feng Shui will benefit all readers.

- The husband’s Kua is the direction a couple should follow for family luck. Sleep in his Yan Nian direction to enhance fertility and promote spousal well-being. You can consult the Gua Calculator to determine this.

- Elephants are said to symbolize fertility and virility. They can also create auspicious descendants’ Qi. Place an elephant statue by the West or Northwest direction. If you wish for a son, lodge a stone on the back of the statue.

- Throw on your rattiest clothes and paint the Southwest wall of your bedroom any color from the yellow family to signify earth and motherhood. Paint the West and Northwest walls white for fatherhood.

- A laughing Buddha statue with children climbing all over him symbolizes the joy of children. Thus, It can facilitate the laughter and happiness of your own future children to your home. Display the statue prominently in the East direction of the bedroom.

- Do not cut any trees or remove any hills or mounds from the Northwest area of your home, for this represents the support of the father and in turn, symbolizes protection for you and your family.

- Refrain from decorating your home with fierce pictures of predatory animals in aggressive poses. These images will fail to nurture and consequently will ‘kill’ the warm fertile ambience you are striving for.

- Dragon symbols are strongly Yang in nature and are almost always restricted from being placed in the bedroom for such properties. But in the case of trying to conceive a child, it is a perfectly good idea to place a small dragon representation next to the bed to conjure up the precious Yang energy to aid conception. Hang a tassel with a bronze dragon or a small dragon charm next to the bed for this purpose.

Blessings and all the best,

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