I have been thinking of Michael Jackson's untimely passing with a heavy heart since I heard the bad news. To my readers who are serious die-hard fans of Michael Jackson, do remain strong, think good thoughts and pray for his bereaved family.
(Incidentallty, my favorite picture of him is the one on the right - oddly enough, it was actually taken in a courtroom!)
These past few days I had been thinking of doing a basic
BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny reading regarding his Life Path. For those of you who are not in the know-how of metaphysical lingo, this means a plotting of Michael Jackson's Chinese Astrological chart to discover his Self, his Life Path and the state of his death. This is a Chinese Astrological reading of Michael Jackson, derived from BaZi.
First off, let's start with his Day Pillar, or the very basic analysis of his personality.
Michael Jackson is a Wu Earth person. Wu Earth is Yang Earth and is symbolized by huge earth-driven natural formations such as boulders, mountains and hills. As can be imagined, Wu Earth people are generally endowed with length of bone, meaning a tall physique. Michael Jackson certainly possesses a tall albeit lean frame.
Wu Earth people possess a strong sense of responsibility towards family and friends. Therefore throughout their lives they project a rock-solid and dependable stance. They are, simply put, the type you would unhesitatingly lean on for help, assistance, encouragement or to gain strength from.
Wu Earth people are also known as utter perfectionists and are driven by sky-high ambition. Indeed, they would rather exert themselves by pushing themselves to the limit to reach their goal rather than settle for anything less than the best.
Aside from this, Wu Earth people are true to their word and for most of the time, they’re also quite shrewd when it comes to money matters. They have the capacity to choose great investments. In other words, Michael Jackson would have made an excellent banker if he weren’t such a consummate performer-artist.
Those who are Wu Earth in nature are usually slow starters. They are prone to hesitate and procrastinate, and they find that starting off a new venture of project as very tedious prospects indeed. Though this is the case, once they get over the initial hurdle they can progress quite well.
Wu Earth people are famous for being secretive. They do not disclose inside information easily, and tend to keep their innermost thoughts to themselves. In fact, they find it next to impossible to confess their deepest feelings to others aside from the rare choice friend that they explicitly trust. But, that said, even close friends may not have been aware of what Michael Jackson’s true thoughts, feelings and ideas were throughout his entire life.
Wu Earth people project an aura of mystery to others. They are also emotionally driven in nature, meaning that their actions in life are mostly derived from their hearts and less to do with rationale or logic.
Michael Jackson, much like all Wu Earth persons, is a social creature. Wu Earth people have strong communication skills and network effortlessly. They have a huge circle of friends ranging the spectrum of society. But in a paradoxical way Wu Earth people are also loners and deep in their hearts they ‘want to be alone’, to paraphrase the famous quote by Greta Garbo.
Wu Earth people are naturally drawn to obscure and eccentric topics such as spirituality, paranormal phenomenon, mythology and folklore, metaphysical subjects and beyond.
Wu Earth people are very susceptible to pettiness, gossip and backbiting. Indeed, we all know by now that Michael Jackson was plagued by these types of instances on an extreme level. Though this is the case, for most of the time these types of negativities are superficial in nature and have no serious or lasting effects to the tough Wu Earth individual.
Sometimes, Wu Earth people second-guess themselves due to feeling disoriented, confused or just plain stressed. They also perceive themselves to be oftentimes bullied by those who have power or authority or by family members and peers. More often than not these types of issues are disproportionately magnified by the harassed Wu Earth person. This is indeed a clue to Michael Jackson’s estrangement with his father and certain family members.
Generally speaking, Wu Earth people need a strong shock to the system or near catastrophic failure before they achieve real and true success in life.
I will continue to go deeper into his BaZi chart in my next post, so do stay tuned. Those of you who are intrigued by BaZi, you may plot your very own Chinese Astrology chart by using our free
BaZi Calculator.
Blessings and all the best,